Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Colours module 3:1 and Elephants never Forget

The third colour sheet I decided to make was calm. I am such a big fan of colour I thought it would be a good exercise to make myself use pale neutral colours. I particularly like blue as a colour. And so that was my starting point, I began with a pale blue acrylic paint and added white acrylic and then gradually built up the layers adding a little black to make a grey colour at times. I let it dry between layers and used a large household brush to paint. The final layer was added with a thinner artists brush of small strokes of White paint.

It was unintentional but it does remind me of water, I suppose this is a fairly usual conclusion when painting "calm" but I like the look of it all the same.

Following on from this I decided to tackle "Rich" and so created a paper mâché board of mounds on card.

These took 24 hours to dry out and then I applied a coating of acryli. Paint in circles to contradict the lines of the raised mounds. For me, the word "rich" in this capacity implies all encompassing and of many shapes, colours& forms, in fact the opposite to calm.

The final piece that I created is "warm". As I have said I love colour, I find putting colours together very satisfying and I would say that I look for colour first in everything and if that is pleasing to the eye I will look at what objects the view holds!

When getting dressed I am governed by colour first and depending on what the mood is will depend on the colour combination. Nearly always contains blue somewhere which is my favourite and a colour I find uplifting and positive, like the sky or my children's eyes. So my warm palate contains blue , in fact it was my starting colour. It isn't even a purple/ blue really but I find that alongside the other colours the overall effect is warm. For me the word warm also means comfort or familiar or cheerful and I would say that even though I have Neots painted it before this picture is all of those things.

It is slightly reminiscent of Elmo the Elephant which is a story that all my boys adored but it was by no means a starting point. Maybe just maybe though as Elephants never forget it was somewhere in the back of my mind what with my eldest about to take his GCSE'S and my youngest suddenly talking 19 to the dozen and suddenly not a baby but a little girl..........

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