Friday, 7 January 2011

Assignment #1 final part. The considered piece.

Having melted, ripped, bashed, glued, sewn, crocheted, moulded, stapled, tied and threaded lots of different boxes and plastics I decided to knit a bin liner. I really enjoy knitting and I think it is fascinating to see what different materials knit up like, they are often not what you would imagine. You need to have a fabric with bit of "give" in it which these bin liners have, the hardest part was cutting it into uniform strips.

I thought a bin liner would be easier than a regular plastic bag as it is a little thinner and the John Lewis bag I had crocheted was really hard work. I did worry that it would be boring being all one colour and considered an HMV bag which was very bright. However once I got going I soon saw that the light falls on it in lots of different ways giving it lots of colours and tonal differences. I like the texture of it and I think if I had the time to knit the whole bag it would be a stronger piece of fabric than it had started out as.

I took one ordinary black bin liner and cut it into strips. I then began knitting the strips together using 5.5 mm knitting needles. The bin liner is fairly stretchy which was quite good initially although now it has all got rather tight and at one point snapped. I have decided to now make several panels which I am hoping to make into a shape that will be freestanding.

My initial plan was to make a hat shape from it but I think that might take too long as it is harder to knit than wool. I thought it would be amusing to have a hat made of waterproof material but which is full of holes!

I have also spent the afternoon planning the assignment 2 materials. I am very eager to start this one as I have been able to have fee reign on the materials. I have enjoyed some aspects of assignment 1 and it feels good to be able to tick off lists and be in a structured form of learning however I found the boxes a bit boring and wanted to get o. To the next part. I did enjoy the sewing on the cardboard

on the small lip gloss box and I like the structure of the " Persil" wall but I didn't like the silver box or the hush puppy shoe box very much. but then this assignment was to work fast and quickly try ideas out so I cannot say it was unsuccessful.

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