Saturday, 15 January 2011

This is the first stage of the redefining of the shoe. Using my favourite medium - paper mâché. I love to create shapes and people and scenes with paper mâché. I find it so satisfying to use, the fact it is recycling old newspaper and the fact that the glue that binds it is flour and water.

You can create anything from it and with it. Partly due to this limitless nature I have, so far at least kept the shoe shape. But I have created my old woman who lives in the shoe! She is purely made from paper mâché. Unlike my other puppets she does not have wire running through her and I am undecided yet as to how defined her features will be. I also have ideas for trees and spikes but haven't decided on the final idea yet. I still want to incorporate the oranges and the tea bags and mustnt let myself get carried away with the paper mâché!!!

I want to stick ridgedly to the target set out that we must use things that would otherwise have been thrown away. I have got some old nail polish that I may use to give some colour and I was thinking of trying to " colour in " an area using tightly packed pieces of coloured newspaper from the bright red title of our local newspaper The Observer. This latest idea comes from the influnence of Andy Goldsworthy who is the sculpture I have been studying for assignment 3. He uses leaves of all one colour and tone tightly laud together to create stunning visual impact and I would like to attempt this on the shoe but with recycled paper instead of leaves.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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