Thursday 24 February 2011

Module 2 assignment 1 -Apeture drawings

The following stage of the assignment was to draw through the aperture from the previous module.

I was apprehensive at first about doing these drawings as I am not terribly confident about drawing facial features from a photograph. Especially not my family. But then the technical realisation hit me that it was not the actual picture of the face we were drawing but the tones and shades and shapes. Well, that's what I drew!

Above is the first view through the apeture from the family values picture. I soon got into my stride and drew exactly the shapes and tones that I saw and really enjoyed it!

The following pictures are from the section that I took from the second collage which had the thick black words applied in pastel.

This was my favourite as I really like the image of Anna from behind and I think it is very effective contrasted with the black pastel line of the words. The black pastel line upon closer inspection is obviously not thick black and the fact that it is drawn on to the bumpy texture of the cardboard helps to bring out lots of different tones and shades of grey.

I have really enjoyed this assignment a lot more than I initially thought I would, on first inspection I was dismayed about it being all black and White because I Love Colour!! But once I got stuck in I have realised that there is a lot of " colour " in black and White with all of the different tones and shades of grey. I really loved working with all of my photographs and although I could be criticised for using the same sized and slightly similar styled I did attempt some different styles with the second stage by using paint and permanent marker pen on one and pastels on the other. This created very different results in the end and I was extremely pleased with the results of these pictures. I shall continue to "embrace black and White as the new colour." and cannot wait to start assignment 2 .


  1. I love seeing how you develop each piece of work, it's fascinating Amanda! I am off to see the Smile exhibition tomorrow x

  2. Golly, this kind of exercise takes me right back to my student days - jolly good exercise it was too, I"m far too lazy to do it now! And you are enjoying it so much, which is wonderful.
